Daily GIMP Creations

I create things using GIMP (the GNU Image Manipulation Program) and display them here


MP - Graffiti

I've decided to do some graffiti art with Gimp. Here's how I designed the letters 'MP':


No Posts For Two Weeks

I'm involved in a project I have to finish as soon as possible, that's why I'm suspending this blog for two weeks. I will return with a new GIMP creation: a compact user friendly Winamp skin.


Vegetation (Guest Day)

Once again it's guest day and I've found some fantastic vegetation to post on my blog. The drawing is created with Gimp by reynante. Enter an enchanted world by visiting his gallery at reynante.deviantart.com

Vegetation by reynante


CSS Icon

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, furthermore a cascade is a series of waterfalls, that's why I decided to depict a waterfall.

CSS icon